Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Creepy Crepes and Treats

Want to combine two of your favorite things? How about making Halloween Crepes?

Little Food Junction has made some cute crepe designs for Halloween that we found absolutely adorable and wanted to share.

She also has some other Halloween ideas for apples, veggies, tortillas and more. Check out her blog.
Yes, it is made for entertaining the little ones but who said you can't enjoy these cute creations yourself?

With Love,
Crepe Cafe

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bryant Park Holiday Market

Ever visit New York City during the fall and winter season? Some might compare it to a hidden city inside a snow globe: frosted with festivities and nostalgia. While there will be much to see and attend during these high paced months we highly suggest visiting the annual Bryant Park Holiday Market. 

Bryant Park is located behind the New York Public Library between 40th and 42nd streets and between Fifth and Sixth Avenue. With its cozy location in midtown Manhattan, it is easily accessible through the trains.  Bryant Park has long been a place of leisure and festivities. With movies in the summer and the market in the winter, all year round it brings something special to the people of New York. 

The Holiday Market itself is one of Bryant Park's more noted events and we are excited as ever to be able to once again participate in the winter festivities. Starting on October 26th (mark you calendars!), the market will open with various shops to buy your Christmas gifts, food to eat, and of course visiting the ice rink. 

Crepe Cafe will be offering our delicious crepes right then and there for you to enjoy. Whether it's our sweet crepes or savory we hope you come to visit us and enjoy the market!

With Love,
Crepe Cafe

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Design or Functionality...or Both

At Crepe Cafe we love giving options for everyone to enjoy our crepes. We do read the comments and reviews given on our delivery sites and social networks (Yelp, Foursquare, Grubhub, etc.) We also encourage more reviews because it is one of the easiest ways to let us know what you think. Which brings along another interesting topic.

One reviewer on foursquare mentioned how Crepe Cafe was great for "grab-n'go" types meals. It's probably safe to say that many people agree. To accommodate our "grab-n-go" crepe-lovers, Crepe Cafe has our very own crepe holder to support your hearty, delicious crepe while you walk to work or shop.

We have multiple dotted lines for you to tear while you are enjoying your crepe. They are along the upper flap and as a diagonal going down the holder. 





Who said you can't have good design and function well? We want our customers to enjoy our crepes anywhere and everywhere. Walk to work, walk to school, have your grab-in-go delicious crepe without worrying about a mess. 

With Love,

 Crepe Cafe

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

We Have A Delivery For You!

Have you ever seen a word so many times that it starts to look strange? For example the word "delivery". It's a combination of the word "deli" and "very" but it sounds different. We say things so fast that it seems the word should be spelled more like "delivry" than "delivery". 

But regardless of the strange workings of the english language we have exciting news! In case you have not seen our twitter post Crepe Cafe is now on Delivery.com

Crepe is also available on:

--> Seamless <--

--> Grubhub <--

So many options for you to choose from! All for satisfying your crepe craving needs. 

We would also like to clarify a bit in on our delivery policies.

We will deliver between 5th avenue and 8th avenue and from 8th street to 23rd street. No other boroughs and no other far ends of the lovely city we live in.

So there you have it. Enjoy your crepes!

With Love,

Crepe Cafe

Friday, August 10, 2012

National Smores Day!!

Today is dedicated to a classic treat. One that symbolizes camp-fire fun, good times with family and friends, and late night bonding. The simple joy that that melting marshmallow, chocolately, graham cracker goodness brings is timeless and that is why August 10 is National S'mores Day.

For those who are unsure of what a smore is (blasphemy!) it is the simple sandwiching of a small piece of flat chocolate and a marshmallow between two graham crackers. The marshmallows are traditionally toasted over a fire since this little treat is a campfire classic.

The name is rumored to have come from the phrase "some more" and the first official recording of in a Girl Scouts manual.

Let's say you loves smores, but want some variation.
Here are some ideas:

1) Coat the inside of the graham crackers with peanut butter

2) Coat the insides of the graham cracker with nutella or replace the chocolate with a spread of nutella

3) Use different types of chocolate! Try out peanut butter chocolate, chocolate with nuts, or mint chocolate. Just remember the chocolate has to be thin enough to stay in the sandwich.

There are some more Smore Ideas at sugardoodle.net.

But what happens if you are nowhere near a campfire? You can use an oven, a microwave, or heck you can even put it all in a delicious crepe. We have a delicious Smore's Crepe that is a musthave in honor of National Smores Day.

So go off and celebrate the excuse to eat chocolate, marshmallows, and graham crackers all you want.

In the area? Order a Smore's Crepe today!

Friday, July 13, 2012

NYC Fair

Last Saturday, July 7th, Crepe Cafe participated in the NYC street fair from 14th street to 23rd on 6th avenue. From 12pm to 6pm venues lined up against the streets, ranging from clothing stands and accessories to even a place to get a quick massage, this street fair was complete from head to toe to stomach. It was food galore from 14th to 23rd, but on a hot summer day what everyone really needed was a cold drink. 

Crepe cafe had several smoothie stands outside, helping to refresh all the fair partakers. Fresh fruit sparkled on our tables along with mouth-watering watermelon cups. 


Our watermelon cups for $3.00 were really popular. Fresh fruit is sometimes the best way to cool off.  

Crowds of people. Hot weather. Cool smoothies. Pretty good for a summer day.
Thanks to all who worked, visited and enjoyed the street fair with us! We wish you all a fun and
amazing summer!

With Love,
 Crepe Cafe

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Now on Seamless!!

There once was a time where one had to travel many far distances to achieve that special taste of their very favorite restaurant. As time went on, the development of cities and cultural mixing pots allowed vast communities to grow, adding more variety of eateries to pick and enjoy from. No longer did an individual need to travel to an obscure section of New York City for a dingy hole in the wall (though we love and approve of that special hole in the wall kind of atmosphere).

One step further from culture booming in mass traffic areas of cities is the concept of delivery. Delivery allows the food to come to you, allowing you the convenience of your own home and time management. Who doesn't love delivery that goes to late at night. The excitement in waiting for your food to come is comparable to that of waiting for Christmas presents...for some.

With the internet came online delivery, still a new deal for many businesses. Sites like Seamless and GrubHub help businesses to grow online and give more to our wanting customers. Like you.

Crepe Cafe has just made it easier to order all your favorite sweet and savory crepes.

Having your occasional crepe craving? Well, have no fear, we now are on Seamless. Order online and you can have your crepes, smoothies, and bubble teas come to you. All your sweet and savory needs can be settled with a click.

Technology and food is truly a wonderful combination.