Ever visit New York City during the fall and winter season? Some might compare it to a hidden city inside a snow globe: frosted with festivities and nostalgia. While there will be much to see and attend during these high paced months we highly suggest visiting the annual Bryant Park Holiday Market.
Bryant Park is located behind the New York Public Library between 40th and 42nd streets and between Fifth and Sixth Avenue. With its cozy location in midtown Manhattan, it is easily accessible through the trains. Bryant Park has long been a place of leisure and festivities. With movies in the summer and the market in the winter, all year round it brings something special to the people of New York.
The Holiday Market itself is one of Bryant Park's more noted events and we are excited as ever to be able to once again participate in the winter festivities. Starting on October 26th (mark you calendars!), the market will open with various shops to buy your Christmas gifts, food to eat, and of course visiting the ice rink.
Crepe Cafe will be offering our delicious crepes right then and there for you to enjoy. Whether it's our sweet crepes or savory we hope you come to visit us and enjoy the market!
With Love,
Crepe Cafe